Tag Archives: Understanding UHNWI’s

What is UHNWI?

The acronym UHNWI stands for Ultra High Net Worth Individual. The rarified air of the super-wealthy has both its blessings and its curses, just like everything on our planet.

The UHNWI (pronounced Un-Wee), is someone who has either inherited or created great wealth, above the level of the single-digit millionaire.

In today’s world, descendants of original entrepreneurs, investors, and service providers reap the rewards of their ancestors, (think Rockefeller, duPont, Proctor and Gamble, Rothschilds), or they themselves have created something of such great value to society that their rewards reflect their contributions. Think Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, George Soros,

UHNWI’s are sit on a very high perch, looking out at the world with a very different point of view.

In my experience dealing with people of great wealth, I have found the vast majority of these people are concerned and caring about the rest of the world. The see the needs of the human race, and want to use their resources for good.

Rarely are UHNWI’s trying to build even greater wealth for themselves, although it is inevitable, because money does indeed make money.

That is the nature of money and wealth: It tends to grow and build.

This is a good thing, particularly when the UHNWI is using his or her assets for the greater good of our planet.

Most of these people face several dilemna. They WANT to do good works and help humanity, but it is rare they find people trustworthy enough and entrepreneurial enough to carry out their wishes.

Greed is the one disease which so much of humanity is afflicted. There will always be those people who are greedy enough to do unethical, immoral, unhealthy and illegal things to gain.

Whatever the greed may be– money, sex, drugs, power and the like– these people have no realization that they are themselves in control of what they do. This is not meant to excuse the behavior, but it is meant to illuminate the driving forces within people who are not even aware of this condition.

UHWNI’s, of course, are subject to the same potential for greed, however their basic needs (financially) have been met. Money may not buy love, but it certainly can buy enjoyment, pleasure, satisfaction, fulfillment and a zest for life which the rest of humanity may not.

Often, those who have are targeted by those who do not, misguidedly reviling the fortunate and wishing they, too, were in this category. The person who recognizes that trying to take something, without giving something in return, gives that person the enlightened understanding of how to grow wealth.

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What Makes an Alternative Investment Alternative?

By Michael Weiner

We hear the word all the time. Alternative. But in the world of finance, what exactly does that mean? Alternative to what? Conventional investments like stocks and bonds? Does that include some of the exotic flavors of investments like CMO’s, CDO’s, and an alphabet soup of letters that mean nothing to the typical small investor?

In my mind, Alternative means anything other than the status quo being pushed by the stock and bond brokers. It means investments that may take a little digging to better understand, but like oysters, can yield some very nice pearls. It can also lead to mud and muck. Just like so many stocks and bonds have done.

Alternative: It sure sounds like it is a Choice. After all, one can choose to do the conventional and follow the crowd (bad move), or one can decide to take the path less traveled (scarier but more fun).  In the Investment category, it can mean a Private Placement (which is the name for everything that isn’t Public), in such things as oil, gas, commodities, Forex, and the like.

What makes an Investor decide to take the road less traveled? The reasons are as varied as there are people, but there are those who shun the conventional and have a higher risk tolerance. Now THERE’S a funny phrase. Risk Tolerance. A fancy way of saying you are willing to lose your shirt or your blouse, in hopes of greater rewards.

I suppose investing in a child’s education is an Alternative Investment, or lending your brother-in-law money to start a business. But with so many Alternatives, doesn’t that mean the Alternatives are main-stream, and the conventional is the real dangerous territory? We don’t need to look further than the front page of the papers to see what conventional has gotten us. To be fair, some of the exotic Alternatives were guilty of adding to the financial mess. So in what state of mind can that leave an Investor? Confused, of course.

The point is that, no matter who you ask for advice, the best advice you can follow is what your brain and heart are telling you. The Alternative is to do nothing. Which really isn’t a very good alternative at all.

Good Hunting!

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